Situated south of Cross Road at 126 Belair Road, just 5kms from the city centre. The practice is located conveniently near the Mitcham shopping precinct. There are allied health services nearby, including a physiotherapy and dental practice, pharmacies, pathology collection centres and a radiology practice. There is ample on-site parking.
Crafter Health’s state of the art clinic was built in 2023. We are proud of our warm, friendly and fully computerised clinic and its emphasis on traditional family medicine. The two waiting areas are comfortably air-conditioned, and there is cooled filtered water. There is wheelchair access to the building and a ceiling hoist patient lifter provides safe and comfortable chair to bed transfers for people requiring examination and/or treatment.
Providing Continuity of Care
In an attempt to provide the best continuity of care for all patients the clinic is organised into four units of doctors. If your doctor is away, a member of their unit, or a covering doctor, is usually available during office hours.
Training Medical Students and Registrars
Crafter Health has a proud tradition of being a teaching practice for over thirty years. Our involvement with medical students from Flinders University goes back to the late 1980s, and we have been an accredited training practice for GP registrars since 2006. Crafter Health is now accredited for training GPT1 through to GPT3 registrars under the auspices of the RACGP, the GP Training Programme for Australia.
We are passionate about general practice and firmly believe that primary care occupies a key position in addressing the ongoing health needs of the community we serve. We advocate for social justice issues and we believe that primary health care physicians will be the change agents for the future.
The practice provides a high-quality teaching and learning environment for the next generation of GPs through involvement with the RACGP Training Program, with all owner doctors and some of the Independent Medical Practitioners forming part of the education team. Dr Johanna Kilmartin is the primary GP supervisor for registrars and is responsible for overseeing training requirements and administrative matters.
Indigenous Acknowledgement

Crafter Health acknowledges that we work, live and play on the land of the Kaurna people whose spiritual sovereignty flows through the generations. We pay our respects to their elders, who were and who are, for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of the Kaurna people today.